West Virginia University Ph.D. student
Emel Sen Kilic holding a plate of bacteria.
Photo by West Virginia University.
Why Research Matters
Investing in Innovation
Research aims to solve a problem. It might not happen
quickly, but the act of gathering knowledge encourages im-
provement, not settling for the status quo. In West Virginia,
where problems often appear to outweigh solutions, support
for scientific researchers at higher education institutions can
lead to real impact.
West Virginia Science & Research (WVSR), a division of the
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, provides
strategic leadership for developing competitive research oppor-
tunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) disciplines. WVSR also communicates the technical
aspects of this research into publications and videos to inform
the public of innovations happening in the state.
According to Carolyn Long, interim chancellor of the West
Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, the scientists
conducting this research and development (R&D) throughout
the state can be an effective economic engine. “These very tal-
ented and intelligent individuals are not only responsible for
cutting-edge research that results in life-changing discoveries
but also for changing lives through the creation of jobs and the
infusion of cash into the state’s economy,” she says.
This life-changing and economy-driving research is occurring
through a handful of WVSR programs, including Established
Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), the
Research Challenge Grant (RCG), the STEM Fellows Program,
the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
grant program and the Innovation and Instrumentation
Grants programs.
In 1979, West Virginia became one of the first seven states
selected to join the National Science Foundation’s (NSF)
EPSCoR program. Each of these states received planning grants to
examine the current status of their R&D and identify activities
that could lead to increased competitiveness for NSF and other
federal R&D funding.
The EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (EPSCoR-
RII) Track 1 grant in West Virginia is divided into two projects:
FALL 2018