conferences and banquets of all types. All 25 meeting rooms are
outfitted with state-of-the-art audio/visual equipment, flexible meeting
configurations, digital screens and LCD projectors or smart TVs.
The physical upgrades also included an increase in overall wireless
internet connectivity and availability. Leaders understood that in order
to properly serve people attending events in this smartphone and social
media driven era, the venue needed to dramatically increase its overall
wireless scale and capacity.
Another part of the new look includes the public art displayed throughout
the building, much of which was created by West Virginia artists. “We
wanted to tell a story about our community with the art,” says Robertson.
“A lot of conventioneers come into town and see the airport, a hotel
room and the convention center but nothing else in the area. We want
people who come in to be able to have some sense of who we are as a
people and what our traditions are.”
With a new name and new look, the Charleston Coliseum & Convention
Center is also working toward creating a lasting legacy and reputation for
being a responsible community partner. Of the $100 million spent on the
renovation, $28 million was used to purchase new HVAC and mechanical
systems, resulting in increased energy efficiency. The base energy costs
of the facility have been decreased by 27.93 percent. The venue is
expected to receive a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or
LEED, certification, an international sustainability standard. “We became
much more energy efficient with the new equipment, energy features and
lighting, reducing our electrical consumption by one-third even though
we added as much square footage,” says Robertson. “We wanted to
demonstrate to our community and to the folks who want to do business
here that we take our responsibility for the environment very seriously.”
With all of the new improvements, Robertson is proud of the facility he
has spent 41 years of his career caring for, and he is looking eagerly
toward the future.
“I think people will really like the overall comfort of the space,” he says.
“It has a lot of possibilities. We firmly believe that our new facility will be
among the most modern and functional convention venues in the region.
This facility will serve as a catalyst to bring more people and economic
impact to Charleston.”
50,000 square feet of
exhibit space
10,500 square feet of
additional conference space
25 meeting and
conference rooms
738 seats in the
performing arts theater
25,000 square foot
square foot
pre-function reception area
overlooking the Elk River
1,200 on-site
parking spaces
Full-service ,
in-house food and
beverage caterer
In-house exhibit
decorating service
200 Civic Center Drive
Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 345-1500
Increased wireless internet for
concurrent users