Elk City’s Ice Cream & the Arts event.
Photo by GL Calllihan.
Destination Elk City
Jamie Null
There is a spark coming from Elk City, a two-block stretch of
Charleston’s West Side that includes Washington Street West and
Pennsylvania Avenue. As developers, business owners and state
leaders strive to make this West Virginia time capsule a destination
for shoppers, foodies and locals alike, the past few years have seen
a variety of developments and ribbon cuttings.
“We have a number of exciting projects we are currently working on,
including a comprehensive lighting project, Gallery 64 underneath
the interstate overpass and a number of ongoing public art initiatives
along with some exciting public space improvement projects that
are on our long-term list,” says Ric Cavendar, executive director
for Charleston Main Streets.
The area has a rich history with long-standing businesses such as
The Grill, Winter Floral and Antiques and Gardner’s Drycleaning,
just to name a few. Other businesses that have been sparked by
the development of Elk City include Books and Brews, Kin Ship
Goods, Bully Trap Barber Shop, Gonzoburger, Mi Cocina de Amor
and Mea Cuppa Coffee. From craft beer and coffee to specialty
t-shirts and gourmet burgers, the vision for the Elk City District is a
diverse mix of businesses for shopping, entertainment and dining.
“The architecture, proximity to the interstate, direct access to
downtown Charleston and accessibility to properties with great
potential created a perfect storm for sustainable development that
has spawned community and economic revitalization,” says Cavendar.
Elk City’s OktoberWest event.
Photo by Josh Saul.
Well done!
The Independent Oil and Gas
Association of West Virginia would like
to congratulate current member and
2019 West Virginia Executive Young Gun
award recipient Kyle Mork.
IOGA West Virginia:
Supporting the industry that supports West Virginia.
FALL 2018