West Stanly The Magazine Winter 2020 | страница 2

From the Publisher... PUBLISHER WEST Roger Watson STANLY THE MAGAZINE Happy New Year! The New Year brings lots of conversation about the future and what to expect in this new decade. For West Stanly, the future looks bright. Locust will likely continue to see high levels of residential growth as Charlotte’s outer band finally begins to push toward the eastern side of the city. Perhaps Oakboro will get some good news in 2020 about that large industrial prospect that was expected to be announced last summer and then in September and now it is really unclear what the prospects for an announcement are. Nevertheless, when the announcement does finally occur, it will be a game-changer for the town. In this issue of the West Stanly magazine, we look at “The Shop,” a charming location that hearkens back to the day when gas stations were community gathering places. These days we just swipe our card, pump our gas and generally talk to no one while filling our tanks. Chris Miller profiles Larry Wilkins, a pastor of a non-denominational church in Albemarle who changed the course of his life and now works to help the downtrodden and addicted at the Sober House in Locust. We also take a look back at some of our best Christmas photos from Locust and Oakboro. Whatever the New Year brings, may your family be blessed with clear skies and smooth roads as we all move into 2020. Sincerely, Roger Watson Publisher The Stanly News & Press 2 WEST STANLY – THE MAGAZINE | WINTER 2020 EDITOR BJ Drye WRITERS Chris Miller Lisa Geraci ADVERTISING STAFF Ally Ward Keir James-Little Sherry Nance DISTRIBUTION Deborah Holt West Stanly - The Magazine is a quarterly publication of The Stanly News & Press 237 W. North Street Albemarle, NC 28001 Phone: (704) 982-2121 Editorial contributions should be sent to: Stanly News & Press PO Box 488 Albemarle, NC 28002 or emailed to [email protected] Address advertising inquiries to Ally Ward – 704-982-2121 [email protected] West Stanly - The Magazine may be found online at www.thesnaponline.com