Wilkins still has plans on opening a long-term rehab facility
where people can stay for around eight to 12 months. He
purchased a 26-acre property in New London next to the old
Pat and Mick’s Fish House. He would like to have at least two
buildings, which would house up to 24 people, with room to grow.
He is putting together plans for the development of the facility,
though no timetable has been set on when it will be built. He said
the project will cost around $800,000.
As Wilkins has worked with people struggling with substance
abuse over the last several years, he has learned many valuable
“If I’ve learned anything it’s that we’re all the same and we
really all have similar struggles just because we’re humans,” he said.
“And someone who struggles with addiction isn’t a worse person
than I am.”
In helping to care and provide shelter and safe space for some
of the county’s most vulnerable people, Wilkins said he thinks of
himself more as a pastor now than he ever was before.
Legacy Sober House’s tagline is “Recovery that reaches the next
generation,” something that Wilkins holds dear. By helping the
men in the sober houses, Wilkins is also helping their families and
“I really wanted the guys to have that mindset of we’re all going
to leave a legacy of some sort, every one of us does, but it’s kind of
choosing for yourself what kind of legacy do you want to leave,”
he said.
For more information about Wikins or his work, visit the
Legacy Sober House on Facebook. People can also email him at
[email protected].
What to do when someone says
‘’I Want Help’’.
Step 1: Get them to medical detox ASAP. Finding a bed
in detox is often the most challenging part. Keep trying
- don’t give up. Withdrawals can be deadly. If a bed is not
open immediately, call The Bridge To Recovery in Oakboro,
NC (704-909-8025), or a similar organization in your area.
They can provide free room and board until a detox bed
opens. While they are in detox, you will have
4-7 days to figure out step 2.
Step 2: After detox, they can move into a rehab facility.
Options vary greatly in length of treatment and cost of
treatment. Do your research. Make calls and visit
the facility.
Step 3: While they are about half-way through rehab,
you should begin discussing after-care options with the
person in treatment. These options include: Going home,
to a half-way house, or into a longer-term
treatment facility.
Talk to other people who have helped loved ones
through this process. Learn from their experiences,
and through all the steps ... PRAY!