West Head Boatbuilders Ltd. The Magazine Fall 2020 - Issue 1 | Page 15

Be creative with your creamed
lobster :



CCut up cooked-lobster in bite sized pieces and keep to the side ( or cut it up into your frying pan as you complete the next step ).

Warm your frying pan to medium-high heat and melt lots of butter in the pan ( start with 1 / 2 cup for about a pound of lobster - butter is your friend when creaming lobster ; too little and you ’ ll burn your lobster and not add the flavour you need in your cream ).
Add the cooked-lobster pieces and fry while turning often . When the lobster gets to be a nice orange colour ( about 5-10 minutes ) it is ready ! ( Add butter as needed ... you don ’ t want the lobster to burn !). Remember : your lobster is already cooked , so frying with butter is mainly adding your flavour for your cream and not to cook it further .
After your lobster is nice and orange ( akasuper fattening ), turn off the burner and cool the fried lobster for about 10 minutes .
When you are ready to cream your lobster , put the burner on medium heat and estimate to add 1 / 3 whipping cream and 2 / 3 half-and-half ( or blend ) cream until the lobster is barely covered by the cream ( too much cream and you ’ ll dilute your cream flavour ). Stir the cream and lobster regularly until the cream just begins to boil . You can then remove from the heat and enjoy !
Some cooks like to put a splash of vinegar in their lobster before they add the cream and others add cornstarch to the cream to thicken it . Some cooks like the original lobster taste and choose not to add anything to it .

Be creative with your creamed

lobster :

Some cooks have even put a bit of cheese-whiz in there !
Three Common Ways to Enjoy Creamed Lobster
1 . Over toast 2 . Over mashed potatoes
3 . Over French fries and mozzarella
cheese ( otherwise known as Lobster Poutine )