Forthcoming CRA Annual Residential Seminar
November 2014.
Interested colleagues are invited to join a virtual planning group with the task of ensuring the programme is developed to meet the needs of all. Please express interest by emailing Cath Hewson [email protected]
Tutoring for the 21st Century
In partnership with others, the CRA is developing a new institutional support and
development initiative on the theme of ‘the 21st Century Tutor’ as a substantive activity for 2014-5. This will focus upon an initial autumn event and allow members to
participate in a subsequent change programme, and will emphasise:
The changing role of the academic in the age of near ubiquitous information.
Redefining role and skill requirements in the context of a highly diverse student
body, e.g. in terms of widening participation and internationalisation.
The potential for technology to draw together, analyse and represent learner I
formation to support review and planning processes, thereby, personalising staff
engagement with students in a near mass system.
Tutorial support in group settings, thereby, realising the potential of peer/peer
learning and support for review and planning processes.
The future relationship of the skills and capabilities of the 21st century tutor to staff
development and accreditation frameworks.
Our new international peer-reviewed journal, is now under development; more
details from Janet Strivens, Senior Associate Director,
[email protected]