how yoga can cure depression
by Sarah Blenis
Yoga is an exersize combining mental, physcial and spirtual practices that originated in ancient India. In the 1980's yoga came to the Western part of the world, creating many yogis and gurus alike. While there arent many scientific conclusions that confirm yoga cures anything from cancer to depression there are defenite benefits to it. There are numorous articles and videos with specific poses pertaining to depression. It is very much so considered a de-stressing exersize. The coordinated breathing that gos along with yoga routines has been known to cure many stressful and anxiety ridden people. Both of those issues symptoms of depression. As someone who suffers from depression, I can say that practicing yoga for the last five years has helped relieve alot of the issues that go along with it. The hardest part with anything that can possibly cure a mental state is finding the motivation to do it. Yoga has a particular quality that I feel gives you the ability to become more aware through its practice. I found myself looking for other ways to help my mental state other than numerous prescription medications, and yoga has been one of those ways. I would defintely reccomend it to anyone, even if its just going along with a youtube video.