WellBeing Guide, July-August 2014 July-August 2014. 30th Edition | 页面 3

Editorʼs note Contents Pg Pg Moon and Sky Watch Reading Faces Celebrate Life 5 Women Empowering W 16-17 Pocket full of Buddha 6 What is Addiction? Awaken-Heart Centre 8-10 Peace of Heaven 21 Sacred Geometry Wellbeing Guide is excited to announce that you can now view us on facebook at Wellbeing Guide TV 4 10 Port Stephens 23 Taroscope 11 Central Coast 24-25 Colour Healing 12 Events Calendar 26 What is Intuition? 13 Weekly Classes 27-19 14 Wellbeing Directory 30-31 The mid north coast will have Winter Warmers itʼs very own quarterly edition of Wellbeing Guide starting August/September/October 2014 www.wellbeingguide.com.au Karen Burge Ph: 0411 483 895 [email protected] 15 18 Cover Picture Backyard Pics Water droplets on a spiderweb NSW Snowy Mountains Curtesy of Didj Mick Hopkins Sea 2 Sky Photography ! ADVERTISE WITH US Newcastle !!!!"##$!%!&'()*!!!!!!!!!+,-#.#,! !!!!/0-#1023! !!!!!!!!!450)136! !!!!&1*366!7!8#**9!!!!!:);;3023! The Hunter !"#$%&'()$*'+&,-(%./0(1$*'(2&3,/0( Magazine and online 450,000 plus annual readers ! Lake Macquarie 4(5&6.7.83,(2&'9+(386(:&3+(((((( 4(;*#&'(<$$6+(4(=&/$>!8?9! !79;<=>8?9@8#9#=%%A#9:B>#$%C<$D! Call us Karen (Newcastle) 0411 483 895 Emily (Central Coast) 0412 602 277 Nici Cook (Mid North Coast) 6584 2870 ! ! Ask us about sponsorship packages and bulk buying discounts. 3