WellBeing Guide, July-August 2014 July-August 2014. 30th Edition | Page 12

COLOUR HEALING WITH BLUE Blue relates to self-expression. Speech, communication, the ability to express our needs and requirements, and peacefulness. Colour healing practice: The colour blue is perceived to have a calming effect; take a few moments now to focus on this colour. Bring to your mind any difficulties you have recently experienced and continue to focus on this colour while affirming “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Continue to do this until a new solution comes into your mind, or until you feel a new level of peace, acceptance or understanding about this situation. If you are having difficulty speaking your truth, try writing a letter to the person you need to speak to. This can be very helpful and it’s a great way to calm built up emotions; you can then choose to send the letter or destroy it. If it’s something you are really having difficulty clearing, you may want to try a burning ritual (on page 14) for extra potency. Continue the process throughout your day, anywhere, anytime. Karen Burge, Spiritual Healer - Awaken 9