Dialogue Magazine
ialogue is the official publication of the College and is
published four times a year. Our magazine will inform
you about College policy; reviews pertinent legislation
affecting physicians in practice; presents disciplinary
findings; and provides a forum for discussion and consultation with the profession on a wide variety of topics.
Here’s what you’ll find in Dialogue
Every issue of the magazine contains messages from the President and
the Registrar that highlight the latest developments affecting the College and the practice of medicine. Because we welcome feedback on
any subject raised in Dialogue, letters from our readers form an integral
part of every issue.
Dialogue also alerts you when legislation is enacted or amended that
affects the practice of medicine. We also publish new or revised College policies and let you know when we are consulting on issues under
Our Practice Partner section provides collegial advice to help busy physicians improve their communication skills and
enhance patient safety, often with tips from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices.
Case studies from the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee and case summaries from the Discipline Committee are included to educate and inform, and to fulfil our obligation to publish disciplinary findings.
Articles that de-mystify College programs and provide information about new initiatives are also regularly featured in
the magazine. Look for the Reports from Council update that is published after every Council meeting for news on the
latest issues.
We also notify and remind the profession in Dialogue about the annual Council member election, and the annual
membership renewal process.
We mail Dialogue to the address that you have given as your preferred mailing address, and the most recent issues of
the magazine are always available online under Policies and Publications.
Welcome to the College – May 2016