Table of Contents
Welcome to the College
Professionally-led regulation
The system of self-regulation is based on the premise that the College must act
first and foremost in the public interest – and our responsibilities are set out in
provincial legislation.
Dialogue magazine
Dialogue will cross your desk four times each year, bringing you new and revised
College policies, updates on legislative changes that may affect your practice, and
information about College programs.
College website
Our site is a useful resource for physicians and the public. Bookmark for the latest news and information.
Answering your questions
Our Physician Advisory Service answers thousands of calls every year from doctors
just like you. Call us when you need our help at 1-800-268-7096 extension 606 or
(416) 967-2606.
Annual membership renewal
The membership fee and online renewal form for those in independent practice
are due by June 1st every year – pay on time and avoid a late payment penalty.
The Practice Guide and College Policies
The Practice Guide articulates the profession’s values and the principles of medical
practice. It also organizes our policies within a principled framework.
Lifelong learning
The College plays a leadership role in improving the quality of health care delivered by physicians through our assessment programs.
Help is available
The Physician Health Program is a service of the Ontario Medical Association
designed to assist Ontario physicians, residents and medical students who may be
experiencing a wide range of problems.