Welcome to PLA IPS48 Parent Packet PRINT | Page 9


The PLA education model works to drive strong growth for

our school partners and student scholars. We support

our partner schools by ensuring the use of standards-

based curriculum; high quality professional

development; a coaching cycle that supports

teachers; enrichment opportunities for scholars;

and a proven process to authentically partner

with parents.

PLA has a proven track-record of helping

children achieve remarkable success. Our

goal is for our partner schools to be one of

the highest performing schools in their host

district after two years with us and to

outperform the state average after five years.

Much of our leadership is representative of the

communities that it serves. The founder and most of its

board, leadership team and headquarters staff are

representative of the community of children and families

that we serve. PLA has also been successful in recruiting high percentages of teachers of color, both male and female. Our diverse staff and our deep knowledge of our communities have enhanced our ability to partner with families, and help our scholars excel.