Project Process/Timing
Important Dates
Lot Hold Agreement Along with a $25,000 refundable deposit WSFS - Kristen Katz
Lot Hold thru 60 Days Meet with Dewson Construction to discuss and finalize 3 Phase Process
Land Contract Land Loan (70%)
House Design Construction Loan (80%)
House Options Financing Permanent Mortgage (80%)
Selections Contract 60 days after Lot Hold $75,000 non-refundable deposit together with
agreement of sale on the land
90 days after Lot Hold Land Settlement
8-10 Months after
Land Settlement
Fees Due at Settlement
Home Owners Association - TBD
Storm Water Management - TBD
Open Space Management - TBD
Construction of home
Dewson will have an
On Site Manager
During construction
Client Access
will be available
through Appointment
Client Choices - Crooked Billet Over 55
Interior Designer from Dewson List
Choose from 4 Home Designs (homes can be customized)
Choose from 3 Exterior Trim and Siding Options
Choose Front & Garage Doors
Landscaping Options
Plumbing Options
Electrical Fixtures
Upstairs Carpet
Kitchen, Bath, Tops & Appliances
Paint Colors