Welcome Guide | Page 22

Stormwater Best Practices
Page 22 City of Port St . Lucie _____ Welcome Guide

Stormwater Best Practices

CityofPSL . com / NPDES
Automotive Maintenance
Many common car maintenance routines contribute to water pollution . Power washing engine blocks or pouring used motor oil into storm drains pollutes our waterways . These pollutants cause harm to plant and aquatic life . Oil and grease can clog fish gills and block oxygen from entering the water . If oxygen levels get too low , aquatic animals die .
Grass Clippings Grass clippings and leaves are considered a source of pollution . When grass clippings and leaves decompose , they release nutrients . These nutrients can cause algae blooms in our waterways . Grass clippings should be bagged or blown back onto the lawn . Grass clippings and yard waste should never be blown or left in the street or storm drains as they adversely affect water quality .
Fertilizer According to the City ’ s fertilizer ordinance , no fertilizer containing nitrogen and / or phosphorus ( phosphate ) shall be applied to turf or landscape plants from June 1 to Sept . 30 . No application of fertilizer shall be made when a flood , tropical storm or hurricane watch or warning is forecast , or more than 2 inches of rain is expected .
The City ’ s NICE program has funded pet waste stations throughout Port St . Lucie . Please take advantage of them when walking your pets !
When rain washes pet waste into swales or stormwater drains , pollutants are carried along to waterways . Pollutants found in pet waste can transmit diseases to humans . Pet waste also contains nutrients that encourage excess weed and algae growth . Be responsible and please pick up your pet ’ s waste and dispose of properly .
Painting All paints , solvents and adhesives contain chemicals that are harmful to wildlife and humans , which is why proper handling and disposal of these products is important . Toxic chemicals from liquid , solid products , cleaning residues or rags may enter waterways via the storm system . It is especially important not to clean brushes in an area where these contaminants are exposed to the weather and could be washed into the storm system during a rain event .
During the non-restricted season , Oct . 1 to May 31 , nitrogen fertilizer must contain at least 50 % slow-release nitrogen . Refer to the link below on how to determine slow-release nitrogen content in fertilizer .
No fertilizer containing phosphorus ( phosphate ) shall be applied anytime during the year , unless a soil test showing a deficiency is taken . Contact UF-IFAS Extension office for further information on testing at 772-462-1660 or CityofPSL . com / fertilizer .
Do not apply fertilizer within 10 feet from the top of the bank of any water surface , landward edge of the top of a seawall or wetland .
Keep fertilizer off hard surfaces , ditches , conveyances or water bodies ; if spilled , clean up immediately . Keep grass clippings and landscape debris from being deposited into storm drains , ditches , surface waters and roadways to reduce runoff pollution .
Violations of this ordinance and its requirements can result in monetary fines .