Welcome guide HRYO EN | Page 17

USEFUL NUMBERS: Arci (legal assistance and service orientation) 800 905 570 Italian Council for Refugees (CIR) (legal assistance) 06 692 00114 Italian Red Cross (CRI) (legal assistance, family reunification and minors) 800 166 666 Doctors without borders (MSF) (health) 389 848 6933 - 391 454 0014 Doctor for human rights (MEDU) (health) 366 239 1554 #OPENEUROPE (legal assistance, service orientation) 366 333 9076 - 351 298 3146 Save The Children (legal assistance, family reunification and minors) 800 141 016 - 351 220 2016 112 Carabinieri 113 Police 114 Childhood Emergency 118 Health Emergency 800 290 290 Toll-free Human Trafficking 800 90 10 10 Toll-free Racial Discrimination 803 001 key 2, Immigration Friend Line 800 905 570 Asylum and protection claims 848 855 888 Immigration Portal 17