What types of protection can you obtain?
If you are over 18 years of age you can ask:
• International protection (political asylum);
• Subsidiary protection;
• Or you can get a residence permit for humanitarian or work
Se hai meno di 18 anni hai diritto a 2 tipi di permesso di
• Il permesso per minore età (è diritto del minore essere
accolto in Italia)
• La protezione internazionale (asilo politico) e le altre forme
previste per i maggiorenni
• REMEMBER! If you are under 18 you can ask a residence
permit for minor age: minors have the right to be accepted in
Who can apply for INTERNATIONAL
Refugee status is granted to a foreigner who has the established
fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality,
belonging to a particular social group or political opinion. The
applicant remains so until the territorial commissions decide on
the application for protection. Once international protection has
been obtained, a renewable five-year residence permit is issued
without further verification of the conditions.