Welcome guide HRYO EN | Page 14

CARITAS Centro Agape Service offered: Legal advisory desk; Italian language courses; Counseling center for migrants, migrant women and victims of trafficking; Showers service, Reception centers for homeless and vulnerable people "LocandadelSamaritano". Opening hours: Centro Agape: Monday to Friday 9.00 -13.30h, Tuesday and Thursday 16.00 - 20.00 h Locanda del Samaritano: daytime service Monday to Friday 8.00 - 20.00h - Overnight service 20.00 - 8.00h Address: Piazza S.Chiara n.10, Palermo Contact: 091327986; [email protected]; [email protected] Exodos Service offered: Support for young people in difficulties; Language support; Afterschool support; Excursions; Contact: 338 118 6228; 327 188 5456; 348 312 1750; comunita.exodos@ gmail.com; www.facebook.com/comunitaexodos Arte Migrante Palermo Service offered: Musical and intercultural evenings every second Friday evening in month Contact: [email protected]; https://www.facebook.com/ ArteMigrantePalermo/ Circolo ARCI Porco Rosso Servizi: Sportello di accoglienza, assistenza e ascolto per la protezione e la tutela dei diritti umani Orari di apertura: Mercoledì dalle 15.00 alle 17.00 14