Welcome Guide AUTH Welcome Guide by the Aristotle University I EN | Page 5


A museum with precious treasures and other exhibits from the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period [ 2 nd c . B . C . E . - 20 th c . C . E .] http :// www . timerime . com / en / event / 3753610 /+/
Aha ! Like the National Museum of Aleppo ال وط ني ح لب م تحف
Here you can find exhibits from the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period . There are 11 rooms hosting exhibits from everyday life , religion , architecture , art and commerce .
For more , check the website : http :// www . mbp . gr /
Here you can find educational games : http :// www . mbp . gr / edu / ekpaideytikaprogrammata / 1m / paixnidia-on-line