See our handy pull-out sheets at the back of this booklet highlighting key information.
Pupils should not arrive before 08:00.
If arriving before 08:20, pupils should go to the
designated playground (years 1 to 5) or their
houserooms (year 6 and above).
Pupils should bring in their own healthy and
filling snacks for the school day. One is consumed
at morning break and the other prior to the
commencement of the Co-Curricular Activity
We operate a nut-free campus so pupils must
not bring anything containing nuts. Pupils in
the Early Years are provided with appropriate
morning and afternoon snacks. Upper Prep and
Senior pupils may purchase snack items from the
dining hall during break time.
If pupils are being collected from the College,
the process is as follows:
Years 1 to 3: Parents will wait and collect pupils
from the Pre-Prep covered playground area.
Your child’s class teacher, teaching assistant, CCA
leader or Academy coach (a Wellington staff
member) will bring them to the collection point
at the end of the school day and will ensure that
every child is leaving with a known adult.
Years 4 & 5: Parents will wait and collect pupils
from the Wellesley Courtyard. The Wellington
staff member will bring them to the collection
point at the end of the school day and will ensure
that every child is leaving with a known adult.
Handing a child over to a ‘known adult’ means
that the Wellington staff member has checked
with the child that they have located the person
they are expecting to collect them at the end of
the school day and that the child can verbalise
that this is a known adult. If the child is not sure,
checks will be made directly with the adult
collecting the child and we will verify that they
are in possession of a guardian ID card bearing
the photograph of the child.
Years 1 to 5: Pupils may be permitted to leave
the school site without an adult collecting them
where parents have given express authority.
For example, your child gets collected by car
and parents are comfortable in the child leaving
school to walk directly to the car. In order for
pupils in years 1 to 5 to leave unaccompanied,
they will need to have a special card issued by
the school office, this card will need to be shown
to the security guards at the exit gate. If you
wish to apply for this card, please complete the
application form.
Years 6 and above: Pupils are permitted
to leave the school without being collected
by a guardian and without further checks
having been made. When they exit the school
unaccompanied, they will need to show their
school ID card at the exit gate.
There will be checks made at the exit security
gates to ensure that pupils are leaving with
an adult or that they have authority to leave
For pupils taking the school bus, they will be
accompanied to meet their bus monitor (year 5
and below) or dismissed to make their own way
to the bus park.
Taking time out of school can be disruptive to
your child’s learning and is not viewed favourably
by the College. If leave during term time is
unavoidable and parents know in advance
that their child will be absent from school,
they must contact their child’s class teacher or
housemaster as soon as possible.
If a pupil is going to be absent from school due
to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness
or bereavement, parents should contact their
child’s class teacher/ housemaster/ school office
via email before 09:00. Alternately, parents can
call the relevant school office:
Early Years 021 3175 6687
[email protected]
Pre-Prep 021 5185 3866 ext. 6111
[email protected]
Lower Prep 021 5185 3866
[email protected]
Prep School 021 5185 3856
[email protected]
Senior School 021 5185 3873
[email protected]
It is vital that pupils are well prepared for the
If parents are aware that their child(ren) will
need to leave school early during the school
day, they must inform the class teacher or
housemaster by email or in writing.
The teachers will then inform the relevant
school secretary. Please collect your child(ren)
from the main school reception and obtain a
permission slip, which will need to be signed and
stamped by the school secretary. On leaving the
site, the permission slip must be submitted to
the security guards.
The security guards will be instructed to turn
back any pupil who does not have the required
permission slip, even if they are accompanied by
a parent.
school day. Pupils are requested to bring the
following equipment to school daily:
– Reading books
– Pencil case (year 3 and above)
– Water bottle
– Healthy and filling snacks
– Sun hat (if required)
– Mosquito repellent/ sun cream (if required)
– Rain mac/ umbrella (if required)
Senior School pupils require a mathematics
calculator, the recommended model is Casio
fx-85ES PLUS. Year 12 pupils will also need a
graphical calculator (details can be obtained
from the mathematics department).
During the summer term, Wellington follows
a strict ‘No Hat, No Play’ policy. If your child is
not in possession of a sun hat, he/she will have to
stay indoors for their own health and safety.
Money must not be brought to school unless
required for a fund raising event. All monies
that are brought into the school should be given
to either the teacher or school office for safe
Every pupil will be assigned a locker where they
can keep their belongings during the school day.
This will be located either in their classroom,
form room or close by their house room. Pupils
should use their lockers appropriately, keeping
it neat and tidy and making sure their belongings
are secure at all times.
The College does not accept responsibility for
the loss or damage to any electronic equipment
or mobile phone that is brought into school.
Pupils may request a second locker if they
require one.