Orang Belanda Cafe @ Jonker Street, Malacca
Posted by http://constance-ant.com/
i have been told that cafe scene in
Malacca is pathetic :O. how can!
exploring cafés in Penang was my
favourite passtime! I guess it’s the
different yumcha culture here.. perhaps
Malaccan prefers mamak stalls over
anyway, Malacca does have few decent
cafes (and abundant of below par ones
*wails*). and Orang Belanda Café is one
of the better one!
Orang Belanda Cafe is located at Jonker
Street, at Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock.
parking is usually limited during the day,
so good luck ar wtf. we did manage to
find one lot not far from the café though
Orang Belanda Cafe was previously run
by a foreign couple; a Dutch husband
paired with a French wifey. and only
recently that a lovely local girl, Lysa, took
it over. the decoration is maintained as it
used to be. even the menu and the
cooking style are preserved too! the food
served are authentically influenced by
Dutch and French!
the décor might be a lil’ bland compared
to Penang’s. but I like how they use bold
purple on the wall, contrast with black
and white photography and polaroids
dangling on the wall!