Weekly Employment Law News Briefs 10/05/2013 | Page 3

An Accident Waiting to Happen : How whistleblowers can help prevent disaster 10 May 2013
By Catherine Hobby , Senior Lecturer , School of Law & Social Sciences , University of East London
The investigation into the collapse of HBOS has provided yet more strong evidence that protection for whistleblowers , and a readiness of employers to listen to their workers , could avert disaster in the future . Unfortunately , the Coalition are moving in the opposite direction .
The political attack on workplace representation - a legal response
This brand new publication from Professor Keith Ewing - President of the IER - and Alan Bogg provides a legal response to the government ' s attempts to quash union representation in the workplace through such policies as cutting facility time . The book is highly recommended for trade unions and their members and is available to those who belong to a union at just £ 10 compared with £ 40 for others .
We expect this publication to be extremely popular so make sure you order your copy now ahead of the official publication date of June 1st 2013 . collective agreements are under attack around the globe . Two people who understand these problems more than most and who are tasked with protecting workers and promoting an alternative agenda are the general secretaries of the trade union centres in Britain and at the international level .
In this 2013 ‘ In Conversation ’ Frances O ' Grady , General Secretary of the TUC , and Sharan Burrow , General Secretary of the ITUC , will outline their priorities in this period of austerity .
Take Action
Support the Haldane Society campaign against Legal Aid cuts
Legal Aid cuts brought in on April 2013 were followed immediately by proposals by the Ministry of Justice for further slashes . The Haldane Society has released a Resolution , consultation response and standard campaign letter for those opposed to further cuts to have their voices heard . Click here to find out more and support the campaign
Become a ' Friend ' of the Ken Gill Memorial Fund
A ' Friends " application form can be found here .
You can find out more about the Fund , and Ken ' s life including video and audio material , at www . kengillmemorial . org