Weekly Employment Law News Briefs 05/07/13 | Page 5

Take Action
Austerity Uncovered : Bring your stories to the TUC
The TUC has organised a national road tour collecting evidence of the hardship caused by austerity .
Find out when they will be in a town near you here .
Raise your voice with the People ' s Manifesto
Tell People United what is important to you in order to build the People ' s Manifesto - a charter of the rights and needs of the people of this country designed to burst the Westminster bubble .
Add to the People ' s Manifesto here
Bring Greek National Television Back On Air
Sign the European Broadcast Union petition to the government of Greece , which demands the reestablishment of state television services in the country . The closure of public television in Greece has been slammed as undemocratic .
Sign the petition here
Your Rights At Work - save the social chapter
Unions Together have organised a petition against David Cameron ' s proposals to bring employment law back to the UK instead of allowing the EU to influence the rights of workers . This would put at risk paid holiday and sick leave , the Working Time Directive , equality laws and health and safety regulations .
Sign the petition here
Become a ' Friend ' of the Ken Gill Memorial Fund
A ' Friends " application form can be found here .
You can find out more about the Fund , and Ken ' s life including video and audio material , at http :// www . kengillmemorial . org
Campaign on behalf of the Shrewsbury 24
Help fight for justice for the 24 trade unionists arrested after picketing for fairer pay and conditions in Shrewsbury in 1972 by signing Ricky Tomlinson ' s e-petition : Please share this email widely to help get this e-petition up to the requisite 100,000 signatures to be considered for discussion in parliament .
http :// epetitions . direct . gov . uk / petitions / 35394