Ocean Restaurant
Dining with a Fresh Perspective
Being a foodie, the opening of Ocean restaurant in the S.E.A Aquarium intrigued
me. Opened by Cat Cora – the first and only Iron Chef from Iron Chef America – this
restaurant is her first in Asia. Her signature dishes have Mediterranean-Californian
influences with an Asian flair. Along with a healthy take on food, the restaurant follows
Cat Cora’s farm-to-table philos ophy on ingredients, making her food incredibly
authentic and outstanding.
Using sustainably sourced seafood that
echoes the Marine Life Park’s mission of
ensuring a healthy future for vibrant and
sustainable marine, coastal and freshwater
ecosystems, diners can rest assured that the
delectably fresh seafood dishes they savour
do not harm the ecosystem.
The interior of the restaurant mirrors that of an
underwater scene, with a beautiful deep sea
palette, carpet design that resembles jelly fish
and anemones, interior lighting domes that
are inlaid in pearl shell, columns in opalescent
mosaic tiles, and fabrics that are in shimmery
sea foam and deep aquamarine colours. The
additional coral table centrepieces and blue
table décor ties in perfectly with the whole
marine setting, heightening the underwater
dining experience.
flavour, which seeps out the moment a knife
is sunk into the meat. While the chicken liver
mousse perfectly complemented the meat
with its creamy flavour, the roasted celeriac
gave a delightful crunch to the dish. All that
was flawlessly tied together with black garlic
cream drizzled atop.
When it came to dessert, I was expecting
something healthy and unsatisfactory but
I was wrong. Ocean Restaurant manages to
whip up fabulously scrumptious dishes while
keeping them light and healthy, and the
same applies for its desserts. The Vacherin
was textures of strawberry served alongside
crème fraiche for a milky finish. Exquisitely
executed, the textures of strawberry came
in sweetened whole strawberries, strawberry
sorbet and strawberry meringue – a
wonderful marriage of soft and crisp textures
For a light appetiser, the best choice has to that leads to ecstasy.
be the 42°C Sous Vide Salmon with Salmon
Mousse, Citrus Minestrone, Ikura and Shaved With healthy cuisine to indulge in and such a
Fennel Salad. Although cooked in a vacuum magnificent backdrop, nothing can possibly
pack for exactly 12 hours, the salmon still go wrong at Ocean Restaurant. This restaurant
retains the silky soft texture of raw salmon is perfect for romantic dates, to amuse the
and tastefully slides down the throat. Paired kids, parents’ birthdays or really any occasion
with citrusy flavours to tantilise the tastebuds, under the sun. Just remember that it will
the salmon is accompanied with citrus be sensible to reserve a table in advance
minestrone that is cooked with grapefruit, because the best seats by the aquarium
pomelo and orange, and a dressing made are always taken. If you haven’t, it still isn’t
with orange and champagne.
a cause of worry since Ocean Restaurant
has thoughtfully decorated its interior with
The serving of Lobster Milk was incidentally reflective mirrors so the aquarium is within
the highlight of the meal. A light creamy every guest’s field of vision.
broth is served with raw marinated lobster
and crème fraiche. The lobster meat is served
raw and not cooked so that the piping hot
soup perfectly cooks the meat to reveal a
tender texture. Seamlessly blending the
marination of the lobster into the soup, the
whirl of flavours together with the sweetness
of lobster is apparent in every palatable
Resplendent – that probably
best sums up the dining
Restaurant by Cat Cora. All
senses are titillated as the
surrounding engulfs you
and leaves you bedazzled.
Schools of fish, gummy
sharks and smiley stingrays
glide past gracefully, as if
to greet and welcome you
into the restaurant. The
view of marine life, the
enticing aroma of food
emerging from the kitchen,
and remarkable flavours in
the light, healthy cuisine
all add to the impeccable
Ocean Restaurant by Cat Cora | S.E.A
Aquarium | Resorts World Sentosa | 8 Sentosa
Gateway | T 6577 6688 | dining@rwsentosa.
Then comes the main course – French Yellow
Chicken Roulade & Fried Escargot. A chunk of
chicken breast and bacon are cosily wrapped
in chicken skin to seal in the juices and
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