Weddings Celebrate Your Special Day | Page 7

Some traditions go back centuries Add something meaningful to your ceremony metrocreative

Weddings are steeped in tradition . Some of those traditions may be exclusive to particular families , but many others are embraced by families of various backgrounds .
Couples needn ’ t feel beholden to popular wedding traditions , but some may feel that these customs make their weddings more fun and serve as a great way to connect their ceremonies with those of their parents , grandparents and possibly even their ancestors .
Old , new , borrowed , blue The rhyme “ something old , something new , something borrowed , something blue ” is likely familiar to people about to get married . This traditional rhyme has existed for centuries and refers to items a bride should wear and keep with her on her wedding day . The old alludes to a bride ’ s past , the new refers to her future , the borrowed is intended to be something borrowed from a married couple or bride , and the blue is a symbol of purity , love and fidelity . These items are traditionally given to the bride-to-be by family members or female friends who are already married .
Bridal veil It ’ s now up to brides if they want to wear a veil on their wedding day , but it was once a tradition all brides adhered to . Some trace the tradition back to ancient Greece , while others suggest the tradition began in the days of the Roman Empire . Veils were believed to shield brides
Photos by Jenny Harnish , www . greenbrierimages . com
The groom made a ring box for his bride in Greenbrier County .
Abby and Malachi hold their hands over the Bible after saying thier vows in
Greenbrier County .
from evil spirits on her wedding day , thus paving the way for a healthy and happy future . Many brides still wear veils today , though likely due more to their aesthetic appeal than out of a belief that the veil will ward off evil spirits . Some brides still use veils to cover their face as they walk up the aisle , while others flip the veil over
Newlyweds Cassie and Trevor pose after their backyard wedding in Lewisburg .
their heads .
Gifting knives Perhaps one of the lesser known superstitions surrounding weddings , giving knives as a wedding gift is a no-no for some people . The origins of this superstition are uncertain , but people who abide by this tradition feel that knives are symbolic of a broken relationship . That would likely come as a surprise to the many engaged couples who have a set of knives on their wedding registries .
Carrying the bride over the threshold Historians trace this tradition , which Hollywood has undoubtedly helped to keep alive , all the way back to medieval Europe . Also inspired by a bride ’ s perceived vulnerability to evil spirits , the tradition of a groom carrying his bride over the threshold into their new home was believed to keep the spirits form entering the home through the soles of the bride ’ s feet .
Breaking glass Couples break glass for different reasons on their wedding days . Within the Jewish faith , one member of the couple will stomp on a carefully wrapped glass to serve as a reminder of the destruction of the Jewish temples and to inspire reflection among those in attendance . Italian newlyweds also may smash glass , but they ’ ll do it with a little more gusto . Local tradition in Italy dictated that , at the end of the wedding , the newly married couple would smash a wine glass . Folklore suggests that the number of pieces the glass breaks into indicates how many years the couple will stay together .
Tradition is part and parcel of many weddings . Some traditions are more solemn than others , but all can add something meaningful , dramatic and even a little fun to the ceremony .