Wedding Photography Tips Tips For Nailing Your Engagement And Wedding Pictu | Page 4

What should I wear for my engagement photo session • Select Your Outfit according to the purpose of your engagement photo • You want your engagement photos to look fun and less formal compared to the photos of our eddi g da . Ma e ou re thi ki g a out usi g our e gage e t photo o our wedding invitations, wedding day programs, or even for your Save The Day cards. With so much purpose in your mind, the pressure of your outfit increases even more than so. • Choose Your Outfit Beforehand • One thing is for sure, you need to plan and decide what you have to wear ahead of time. Lay out your clothes and accessories the night before so you know if you are missing something. If ou take our outfit a hour efore its ti e to go o our shoot, ou ll pro a l e s ra li g around looking and getting everything ready for the day. • Show Your Own Style • It's your engagement photo so you should feel free to express and show off your own personal style. Your outfits will have a great impact on setting your mood, which will evidently e sho i our e gage e t photos. Wear lothes that are ore “ ou."Do t for e ourself to ear a dress if ou re ot i to eari g the .