Wedding Photography Tips Tips For Nailing Your Engagement And Wedding Pictu | Page 10

5 Exclusive Wedding Poses for Memorable Photos • Choose a location beforehand for the sunset photo makes it easier to get things in order for the perfect shot. The photographer can ask the couple to kiss the hands and torso must be adjusted to make the pose intimate and memorable. • The Hand Kiss Pose • To take a fairytale-like shot that lasts a lifetime, arrange for an outdoor photo of the bride and groom. Once the photographer readies his camera, ask the groom to hold his bride and tenderly kiss her hand. This photo will clearly be a tender, cherished memory for the couple. Many moments similar to this pose can follow like asking the couple to hold hands and walk or just look at each other with an easy gaze. • The Tranquil Gaze • Getting the couple to do a tranquil, relaxed, and natural gaze is a great and romantic pose for a wedding portrait. To execute this pose flawlessly, have the couple seated down on the floor or ha e the sta d lose to ea h other if it s a outdoor lo atio . The groo should ha e his ar s arou d the aist of the ride; the ride should rest her ha ds o the groo s shoulder or around his neck. The couple can use props like a flower, the photographer has to capture the true emotion the bride and groom shares.