Wedding Photography Tips How to Create a Fun DIY Photobooth | Page 6

5. Proper lighting equipment In order to have a professional photobooth, lighting is extremely important. Without proper lighting, the photos of your guests may come out too dark. The best type of lighting to use is a cheap professional lighting set, a photography lighting umbrella, diffuse light or a spot light. If you don’t want to spend too much on lighting, make sure the camera has the flash setting on or use a simple floor lamp beside the camera. 6. Props There are plenty of props that you can use with your photobooth to keep your guests interested and still have fun photos to share. The best way to find the perfect props to use is to start with your own closet. Once you have found a few props to use out of clothing you don’t use anymore, hit up thrift stores of garage sales in your area. Feel free to use any items you wish such as glasses, picture frames, cups, books or anything you think will make your guests photos look good.