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At just four-years-old, Molly Burke's world became a little bit darker, Molly Burke was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a rare retinal disease causing loss of vision which was a trategy. She never gave up though. Over the years, as Molly's vision deteriorated , her confidence and optimism kept getting stronger, but even if it sounds easy it wasn't, she struggled . As a student every single day she was tormented by bullies because she couldn't see, Molly suffered from depression and anxiety. At the end of her narrow dark tunnel she saw the light and found hope. Even though she was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa she still did the things that normal people would do like downhill skiing, horseback riding, crafting lyrics, and practicing yoga. She is certified in Reiki and is a passionate Guide Dog user and advocate .

Molly openly shares her experiences of overcoming adversity and embracing diversity, connecting with her audiences at a very personal, relatable level just to tell her story. Molly travels around the world sharing her story with youth,families and corporate organizations to tell the youth to stand up for yourself no matter what happens.Molly keeps encouraging young kids around the world to let go of there past and look forward to the future with bright eyes and a positive look and outlook. Molly's goal is to educate kids around the world, motivate them and inspire others to find the peace,happiness they deserve. Also to achieve their goals no matter what they look like or what happened to them in the past. Even in the darkest days never give up.

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Molly Burke