WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 353

Complete the text with the most suitable word: Population is studied in a number of scientific fields, such as d................................. , sociology, economics, and human geography. Demography studies the characteristics of a p............................... within the area it inhabits. Population d.................................. is analysed according to population d............................... which links the total number of i................................................. in a territory, or absolute p.............................................................. , to the area it occupies in s............................. kilometres. A population d..................................... map, shows how this distribution is very uneven, as there are contrasting a..................................... of dense population ands.................... population. The unequal d...................................... of the Earth´s population is caused by p.............................................. and human f..................................... . People prefer to s............................. in areas with flat t.................................. and a temperate c............................ , near to the sea, with f............................. water, fertile s....................... and m................................... and e................................................. resources. ---------------------------------------------