WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 330

The tertiary sector. Spaces and activities. � The tertiary sector, or service industry, includes all the activities involved in delivering services intended to meet people’s needs, or those of other manufacturing services. � The most important activities, in the tertiary sector, are: transport, tourism, trade, communications, health care and education. o These are immaterial activities, that is, they do not produce material goods. o They involve a low level of mechanisation. o They are very heterogeneous (in terms of their variety and professional qualifications) Service classifications: The great diversity of activities, in the tertiary sector, means that it is difficult to classify them. � According to who delivers them: o Public services: provided by the State and the public administration using money collected from taxes. The main aim is to contribute to social welfare. o Private services: delivered by private companies using money paid by those who demand the service: their main aim is to earn financial profit. � According to their function: