WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 267

6 PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT ABOUT ‘RIGHT AND WRONG’ For the greater part you are going to do this assignment during the lessons and a few things you have to do at home. You are going to do this assignment in pairs or alone and you have to hand it in in a folder. The assignment consists of 7 items which will be explained below. 1. DOSSIER During three weeks You will get a newspaper from your teacher. You are going to use this newspaper to find articles which have to do with values and norms. What you have to do is: - Note the title of the article and the date of the newspaper. - Summarize the facts mentioned in the article in three sentences. - Name which norm and value you think can be found in the article. - Explain your opinion about how the norm and value is handled in the article. Example: Title: A helping hand Date: 2 January 2020 Summary: A girl helped an older lady who carried a loaded bag with groceries to cross a busy street. The lady appreciated the help greatly and gave the girl two pounds. Value: Helpfulness. Norm: If someone needs help and you are able to do it, you offer your help. My/our Opinion: I don’t think you have to help everyone. You only have to help the ones you know. 2. INTERVIEW Part 1 Use your mobile phone to describe the concepts independence, charity and justice. These concepts are all values. Besides this you also have to think of a fourth value and find its description. Note all the descriptions. Chapter 3, Right and wrong _ BC Broekhin, Margot Maassen