WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 242

4 time." "Mom, are you paying attention? I am doing a handstand." In the book, the police officer is chasing a suspect. Diego’s mother is hardly breathing. Diego is being quiet for once. Too quiet. Suddenly, Diego’s mother is looking around for Diego. She cannot find him. Suddenly, time is standing still. Suddenly, she isn’t breathing at all. "Diego! Diego! Are you hiding from me? Diego! You are not being funny!" She is trying not to panic. She is walking around the pool, looking in the water. Section 3, Philosophy of life Philosophy of life can be individual or shared. An individual philosophy of life: the sum of all personal answers to important questions. A shared philosophy of life: the sum of all mutual answers of a community or religion to important questions. In a shared philosophy of life, most of the answers to important questions will be the same, but in practice individuals within the group can answer some questions differently. On the other hand, two or more individual philosophies of life can practically the same, because by chance these individuals give more or less the same answers to important questions. Task 5 1. Have a talk with your neighbour and find out whether the two of you belong to a shared philosophy of life or do you have an individual philosophy of life? 2. Find out what you have in common with your neighbour. 3. Write a paragraph in which you tell what you found out about your neighbour and what you found out about yourself. Chapter 1, About what is important _ BC Broekhin, Margot Maassen