WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 239

1 Chapter 1, About what is important Aims of the chapter: - With examples, you are able to explain the difference between ordinary questions and important questions - You understand that a philosophy of life is the sum of all the important questions and their answers - You are able to explain, in your own words, what philosophy of life is - You are able to explain the difference between an individual philosophy of life and a shared philosophy of life - You understand why Socrates’ opinion is that some people don’t want to learn wisdom and why he divided these people in three group - You understand that philosophizing means that you ask questions about things that seem obvious and from these questions arise new questions - You are able to explain that you think about your philosophy of life if you philosophize - With examples, you are able to explain that thinking deeply about important things in life will help you to live better and happier - You are able to explain, in your own words, the three rules for a good discussion and you are able to put the rules into practice - You are able to distinguish the I point of view and the you point of view in a discussion. Chapter 1, About what is important _ BC Broekhin, Margot Maassen