WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 236

While watching: CONTEXT Six friends live in the same city. Chandler and Joey share an apartment in the same building as Monica and Rachel, who are also roommates across the corridor. Ross and Phoebe are always at their place. They all usually meet at the Central Perk Cafe. Ross is Monica’s brother. She is having a secret affair with Chandler. She is obsessed with tidiness. Ross is getting divorced from his wife, who turned out to be lesbian. Rachel and him have had an affair on and off for a long time. Ross has a son, Ben. Rachel is a waitress at the Central Perk. 1- If needed correct exercise number 6 in the Pre-viewing exercises. 2- Name the settings that appear in this episode. 3- Who overhears Chandler and Monica over the phone? 4- Where are they going to meet? 5- Who else knows about them? 6- Name the synonym for trousers used in this chapter. 5- Explain why is the name Hornswoggle is funny. POST-VIEWING P.A.The challenge. Rachel excelled on the delivery of the following line. Try saying it very quickly without screwing up a word. It ain't that easy! Rachel: All right, how about I go over there and I will walk into Chandler's bedroom and I will see that thing that I think that I know is actually the thing that I think that I know Who is your favourite character and why? Find other students whose favourtie character is the same as yours and see if you have the same reasons.