WEBS Teachers' Resources ebook_final | Page 175

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Poster presentation: Aims: to produce a poster, giving detailed information about a legendary or mythological character andto present the information on the poster to the rest of the class. You can work alone or in groups of 2-3. You will need to: � Research information about your chosen character. � Research information about what happened to the character. � Collect and print photos or picturesabout your character. � Write an introduction and conclusion for the presentation. Research work will be done ashomework. You will be given some time in the lessons to work individually or together asa group on the poster and to prepare and practise the presentation. You will prepare speech cards for your part of the presentation. The poster must include the following information: a. A title. b. The history / origins of your character. c. Photographs or pictures of character. You may add any decorations you wish to your poster. Use your imagination and fantasy! The presentation must include the following information: 1. Introduction: Who is he/she? Why did you choose this character? 2. Information from the poster. What? How? When? Who? 3. Conclusion: What do you think about the character? What did you think about the assignment? You may use props, music, songs, sketches or poems to help you present your legend or myth.