WEBLOGmediakit | ENG | Page 18

Who takes the pictures of WEBLOG? Each one of us has at least a reflex camera at home; but that doesn’t mean we always use it though. We do appreciate the convenience in using the smartphone, quicker and, among other things, is the social media tool! That’s why, to capture the perfect picture, we need Davide’s support, photographer / psychologist. Not to mention that the second qualify is not secondary at all, considering we are nine heads to agree, and it’s not always that simple. In WEBLOG there is also a “mystery man”, did you you know that? His name is Samuele, and it is not clear yet why a lover of technological systems and renewable energy decides to spend his precious (and potentially lucrative) time with a group of silly, guilty of yielding to a non-traditional work, bloggers. Yet a reason it is: Samuele, a better our blogger tour to Finland, fell in love with Architecture and, together with WEBLOG, has experienced unprecedented opportunities to bring together aesthetic and functional demands. F. A . Q .