Webinar Authority PLR Package Module
-What it takes to get people to come back to your future webinars . -Things that will help you immensely if this is your first time doing a webinar . -How to increase your attendees by partnering up with other speakers and each of you - giving information to the audience . -This guide is written in an easy-to-understand , step-by-step fashion for anyone to follow -with screenshots and images . Your customers and their customers will love it !
Webinar Authority PLR Package Module
-Module 1 : High Quality Ebook The main eBook is called Webinar Authority . It ' s a completely brand new guide sharing The Step-By-Step Guide On How To Prepare , Present , Host , And Execute a Successful Webinar . It ' s not just another eBook filled with theory and fluff , it will guide the reader all the way and get him or her to take action by the end of the guide . It is a practical guide . You can rest assured knowing that this eBook was written by a fluent , native U . S . writer who holds a Certified English Degree , and was chosen based on industry expertise . - Over 12,000 words ( 60 + pages ) of " how to ", step-by-step content . 100 % unique and original . - Screenshots and images embedded throughout the pages , so it ' s not just all boring texts ! - Editable DOC file included so you can freely edit the eBook as you wish . - Professionally and beautifully formatted and styled -- definitely an eBook you ' d be proud to call your own ! - PDF version included .
-Module 2 : Printable Checklist As soon as your customers finish going through the eBook , they can follow this complete checklist that ' s like a summary of all the important points from the eBook , except in actionable steps that easy to digest . Formatted for print . You can simply print and check off the points you ' ve completed . A great companion to the main eBook that your customers will highly appreciate .
-Module 3 : Resource Cheat Sheet In this resource cheat sheet , you ' ll get a rolodex of top sites , books , tools , software and more ! It includes resources such as : -Top apps , tools and sites . -Top blogs and forums . -Top tips and how to ' s -and more !
You can add your own resources , too ! You could add products / services you ' re an affiliate of , and of course your own products so you can increase your profits on the backend !