Web application security - the fast guide 1.1 | Page 33

Chapter 2 - Web Application technologies     P a g e | 33 The request will be sent using POST method The data will be sent in the body part not header. The content type is set to one of known content types. (application/x- www-form-urlencoded) If the form contains a file the content type that should be used is (multipart/form-data) 2.4 Client side functionalities - CSS CSS is the acronym of Cascade Style Sheet, from the name we can know that CSS is responsible on styling the HTML file, but why bother if HTML itself contains main tags that can help in controlling the format of the document. CSS has three main features that makes its usage justified:  Enhance format reusability over all the website pages  Help to isolate the contents from presentation which makes interface customization easier which enable usage of multiple skins.  New CSS version (CSS3) supports lots of powerful features like animation, rotation, transitions and lot of other features that are not available in pure HTML based format. CSS usage: CSS Rules can be used in 3 main scenarios depending on where it was declared, inside or outside the document or as a part of style attribute value. The three scenarios are:  Inline usage: in this type of usage the CSS rule is defined as part of (Style) attribute of the HTML. The inline usage mainly helps in forcing a special style for a specific element but it does not reflect any benefit in term of reusability in the same document or multiple documents.
 Internal usage: this type of usage depends on the declaration of CSS rules in the HTML document head inside the style element. Rules declared