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WEB 431 Week 3 Individual Assignment CSS Formatting (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.web431mart.com Setup a CSS page that will be used in conjunction with your RSS XML document, created in Week Two. The layout should be consistent with the look of any freely available RSS feed readers’ layout, for example, Google Reader™, feedley, or Atom feed readers. Submit a ZIP file to your instructor containing the XML RSS page, the XSLT template, and the CSS. =================================================== WEB 431 Week 3 Team Assignment Web 2.0 Justification (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.web431mart.com Select and complete one of the following assignments: · Option 1: Web 2.0 Justification Memo · Option 2: Web 2.0 Justification Presentation Option 1: Web 2.0 Justification Memo Submit a 3- to 5-page justification memo, including the following details: