WEB 431 MART Education Terms/web431mart.com WEB 431 MART Education Terms/web431mart.com | Page 5

· Description · Link · Publication date · Last build date Setup an XSLT template to accompany your RSS XML page. Create an HTML output with your XSLT template. Submit a ZIP file to your instructor containing the XML RSS page and the XSLT template. WEB 431 Week 2 Team Assignment Web 2.0 Enhancement Project Implementation Plan (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.web431mart.com Begin working on the implementation plan for Service Request SRbi-002, Web 2.0 Upgrade due in Week Three. · Identify the objectives of the Web 2.0 upgrade implementation and include a description of the functionality that will be supported. · Provide a rationale of why the functionality is being recommended. Submit an informal team progress report to your instructor explaining what your team accomplished during the week, challenges your team faced, and questions. ===================================================