Wearable Robots, Industrial Exoskeletons Market 2021 Wearable Robots Industrial Exoskeletons Market | Page 9

3.15.2 Alterg / Tibion Bionic Leg 3.15.3 AlterG M300 174 176 3.16 Catholic University of America Arm Therapy Robot ARMin III 178 3.17 U.S. Special Operations Command SOCOM Wearable Exoskeleton 3.17.1 DARPA Funded Exoskeleton 182 3.17.2 Darpa Secure, Smartphone Device 184 3.17.3 Trek Aerospace Springtail/XFV Exo-skeletor Flying Vehicle 3.18 Revision Military Kinetic Operations Suit 3.19 HEXORR: Hand EXOskeleton Rehabilitation Robot 3.20 Honda 192 3.20.1 Honda Walk Assist 179 185 186 188 193 3.20.2 Honda Prototype Stride Management Motorized Assist Device 195 3.20.3 Honda Builds Unique Transportation Exoskeleton Device Market 196 View summary of this report @ http://www.radiantinsights.com/research/wearable-robotsindustrial-exoskeletons-market 3.21 Revision Military - Exoskeleton Integrated Soldier Protection System 197 3.21.1 Revision Military Armored Exoskeleton 200 3.22 Mira Lopes Gait Rehabilitation Device 200 3.22.1 Prototype of University of Twente LOPES with 8 Actuated Degrees of Freedom 3.23 China North Industries Group Corporation (NORINCO) 204 3.23.1 Chinese Exoskeletons for Combat 204 3.24 Russian Army: Combat Exoskeletons By 2020 207 3.25 UK Exoskeleton 210 3.25.1 UK Exoskeleton Law Enforcement 213 3.25.2 UK Armed Police Super-Light Graphene Vests 214 3.25.3 Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Based Robotic Exoskeleton 215 201