Weapons Systems Operator (WSOp) Royal Air Force | Page 6

Flying Foundation Tours
Your first two tours you will generally be posted to one aircraft type in the UK . During this time , you will continue to develop your new skills and knowledge to become an expert in employing air power on a front line air system .
Like most people in the RAF , you will move around RAF bases in the UK and overseas , to carry out your training and operational role . This work will be conducted in allied airspace or carried out on operations near / over hostile territory . You will spend a proportion of your career overseas , for anything from a few days to a few months and as your career develops , you could become responsible for mission planning and instructional duties to expand your portfolio of skills and expertise .
Each job has a unique purpose with scope for variety and achievement to give you a challenging career that will see you explore the world .
Your Career Prospects
You will join the RAF as an aviator under an initial 12 year engagement . You will hold the rank of acting Sergeant during your professional training . Once you start your front-line role , and you are assessed as being capable of operating independently , you will be promoted to substantive Sergeant & immediately transferred to a pension earning engagement of 20 years ’ service or to age 40 , whichever is the latter . Further promotion to the rank of Flight Sergeant and Master Aircrew is by selection , with commissioning opportunities to Weapon Systems Officer ( WSO ) available once you have proved yourself as an NCA WSOp .
SIP - EA - WSOp Page 6