Wealth Monitor April 2016 | Page 36

TASITechnical TechnicalAnalysis Analysis ARABIAN BOURSES | ADI ADX ADX ADX SHORT TERM BEARISH RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOMMENDATIONS: traders LongLong termterm traders strongly bearish MarketMarket strongly bearish - No Long positions - No Long positions CURRENT PR.CLOSE CHANGE 52 W HIGH 52 W LOW 30 D ATR 40 W ATR 4274.45 4274.45 -0.55 % 4901.05 3736.95 51 118 nd, w Trend er Wave State SEC  LT EMA  LT MACD  ST EMA  ST MACD  IMI  RSI  ROC  Histogram OS1 ROC OS1 nitial s oned 34 Medium term traders Long term traders Medium term traders Market strongly bearishbearish Market strongly - No Long positions Market strongly bearish - No Long positions - No Long positions Short term traders Medium term Waitingtraders for a retracement Short termnewtraders initiate positions Market stronglytobearish - No LongWaiting positions for a retracement to initiate new positions SIGNIFICANT LEVELS:Projection Level S1 4250 S1 S2 Short term traders S2 4100 Projection Level Waiting for a retracement Top 4600 newDaily R1 4250 to initiateProjection positionsLevel R2 4800 Retracement Level 4100 Projection Level R1 S1 R2 S2 Top 4600 Daily S1 4270 R1 4320 Projection Level 4250 Level 48004350 Retracement S2 4230 R2 Level S3 4050 R34100 4380 Projection R4 4428 S4 3935 *R-resistance; *S-support Daily Top 4600 R1 4320 S1 4270 R1 Retracement 4800 S2 4230 Level R2 4350 R2 INTRADAY PIVOT LEVELS: S3 4050 R3 4380 R4 S4 4320 S1 3935 4270 R1 4428 S2 4230 R2 4350 S3 4050 R3 4380 R4 4428 S4 3935 *R-resistance; *S-support Any opinions, news, research, analysis, prices, or other information contained in these reports or any other material provided by Tradepedia LLC. is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell. This info does not take into account your personal circumstances so please do not trade or invest based solely on this information. "Long and medium term traders continue to be neutral while trend characteristics remain Bearish. Only a medium term www.wealth-monitor.com | April 2016 Source: Tradepedia: Data as on March 29, 2016 a medium term reversal above Daily Weekly charts continue to reflect a strong downtrend, with the market top at 4600 would postpone the correction finding resistance below decline and allow for medium term 4600. long positions. Bearish momentum Momentum in the medium has is expected to return towards a turned Bearish after the upwards rally deeper correction, as long as the reached exhaustion below the 4600 market remains