Wealth Monitor April 2016 | Page 2

17th annual 2-3 May 2016 Ritz-Carlton, Dubai, UAE 3 CONFERENCES 2 DAYS 1 EVENT WHY ATTEND Meet institutional investors, SWFs, pension funds and family offices from across the Middle East SPEAKERS INCLUDE Dr Rania Azmi Strategic Advisor Middle East Sovereign Wealth Fund (Sovereign wealth fund) Anand Subramaniam CFO Bahrain National Holding (Sovereign wealth fund) 3 TRILLION ASSET ALLOCATORS 2:1 INVESTOR TO MANAGER RATIO 400 TOTAL ATTENDEES 50 SPEAKERS 50 CONFERENCE SESSIONS EXCLUSIVE AFTERHOURS PARTY 150 FACILITATED MEETINGS >50% SWFS, PFS, FOS ATTENDEES Sharmila C Kassam Deputy CIO Employees Retirement System of Texas (Pension fund) Zulfe Ali CIO Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Co. (Sovereign wealth fund) CiarĂ¡n Barr Investment Director Railpen (Pension funds) Dr John Rutledge Chief Investment Strategist SAFANAD (Principal investment house) SPONSORS TO FIND OUT HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PORTFOLIO'S RETURN, VISIT www.terrapinn.com/MEIS/info www.wealth-monitor.com | April 2016