Wealth in the US : HNW Investors
Wealth in the US : HNW Investors
- 38.2 % of US HNW individuals have gained wealth either as family business owners or as firstgeneration entrepreneurs . As these sources of wealth continue to increase in importance , greater demand is expected for personalized wealth management services . - The majority of HNW investments are held in discretionary mandates . However , wealth managers expect growing demand for execution-only asset management and automated investment services in the next two years . This is reflective of some clients preferring a higher level of involvement in their investment choices . - Equities are the main constituent of a US HNW investment portfolio , representing nearly half of an average US HNW portfolio . Though cash investments make up just 5.1 % of an average HNW portfolio , they are gaining importance . - Among planning services , financial planning shows the strongest demand . But wealth managers will do well to provide a complete suite of tax planning services , as 68.9 % expect demand for these services to increase in the near future .
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