# 68 • SEPTEMBER 21 , 2015
Production Regulations to revive these
aesthetic values and the woodworking
techniques associated with them, and to
identify the products that best represent
them. About a dozen companies, whose
strength is based on the traditional character of their products, subscribed to
these regulations.
Traditional products must adhere to and
reflect a technical and formal tradition
that has become established over time
in the particular historical and cultural
context of Trentino. As well as focussing
on the revival of traditions, the project
has created a “vivid image” of the Trentino region and its products, an image
that highlights a market niche capable
of allowing interesting economic developments.
The local area
Trentino covers just 4.5% of Italian territory but contains 11% of its woodland,
with 56% of the province covered in forest. Woodworking in Trentino has traditionally played a major role in the local
economy (accounting for 5% of the province’s GDP) and regional management.
Unlike in other regions, a production system has developed here that links the
forest owners to the businesses involved
in the use and processing of wood. This
system has gradually adapted to stay
abreast of market developments and
has implemented new technologies.
Ten companies are also involved in the
project to promote “traditional Trentino
woodworking craftsmanship”.