# 68 • SEPTEMBER 21 , 2015
We have a few because we have high
tech here, we have a big new complex
in Albany. Our organization has quite a
few members who were born in Italy and
came here after the war, and they speak
Italian. They go back to Italy very often
because, you know, having born makes
the difference.
Is Made in Italy successful in Upstate
New York?
Stores have many Italian products. Made
in Italy has a very positive image. Unfortunately, some people do not know the
difference between fake Made in Italy
and real Made in Italy. For instance, when
I look for olive oil, I have to keep attention
because sometimes I find a bottle with
an Italian name, but made somewhere
else. Unless you do your homework, you
they had financial success. Talking about could be misled.
Albany, there is a new documentary called “The Neighborhood That Disappea- Is there any big important Italian Festival
red” about our Little Italy, which was de- in Albany?
stroyed taking away 9,000 people from
their home and 333 businesses, the very No, because we lost many of our Italian
heart of Little Italy. Schenectady and Troy parishes. There is a quite populated Saint
also still have Little Italies, but very small Anthony Italian feast in Schenectady,
there is something in Troy in August and
in Albany in September, we also do Saint
Joseph’s table on Saint Joseph Day and
we celebrate Saint Lucy here, and then
we do something for Columbus as well.
In Utica they do something big for Saint
Cosma and Damiano. However, there is
Are there many Italians born in Italy and not a huge Italian festival.
recently emigrated to Albany and its enWe do still have some Italian parishes,
fewer than we used to have. We also still
have some places that are named after
Italians, like parks and streets.