We the Italians September 19, 2014 - 43 | Page 20


Italian Good News: eThanks, the social

network that pays you with thank yous

But how exactly works eThanks? eThanks are a virtual currency, exchangeable between users and collectable. In fact, the platform calculates the value of each user based on the eThanks, but the richer - this is new - are those who give more than those

who receive.

A social network dedicated to thanks and gratitude is the new proposal by Enrico Adinolfi. 34 years old, he was born in Salerno but has lived long in the USA. The story of Enrico and and eThanks- his virtual creature - obstinatelytravelsagainst the direction of the brain drain that nowadays drives so many young Italian people to seek their fortune elsewhere.

Despite the difficulties and the rugged terrain, Enrico has decided to develop his idea in Italy and in doing it he has created new jobs. "I have traveled a lot and lived in several cities – he says - but since I was a child my dream has always been to make a positive contribution to the territory where I was born and to which I am closely linked. I believe that Internet is the key to break down those logistic barriers that are so much penalizing our country".