# 69 •OCTOBER 5 , 2015
society, what kind of im- tries, enabling them to
pact the arts have on us.
participate in cultural and
stimulating new contexIn this scenario, we wonde- ts. Only then, we believe,
red how to stand out and we are able to root a long
differentiate our activities, term relationship.
how to create something
new and different.
One of our main effort
is to revive cultural realities that are often poorly
understood, even if prestigious, unique, and dynamic. And this happens
not just in Italy, but also
in the United States. Our
purpose is to make more
visible those cultural environments, less known and
distant from the usual and
more common mainstream, in order to create a
real cultural exchange and
mutual understanding.
To reinforce this cultural exchange we support
initiatives related to education, cultural initiatives
that can explain better
and more in-depth the
connections or diversity of
the two countries.
Encouraging young American and Italian talents is )